Welcome to the Four Pillars of AWakening


Pillar 1: Breath

Our breath, (a.k.a. prana), is our life force. Most of us go throughout our day without even the slightest bit of awareness to our breath, but without it you wouldn’t be here reading this. It is what sustains you! Throughout the entire “4 Pillars of Awakening”, we will be using breath to manage the effects of the different states of relaxation, consciousness and the well-being of our light body and central nervous system.

There are many different styles of breath work to help guide us to create a heightened state of awareness and optimal wellness. Today we will bring our focus on 2 different techniques that will produce enormous results and elevate your state of conscious awakening.

First let’s briefly understand Bandha locks and their function. These are vital to breath work and it’s success. The root (Mula) and throat (Jalandhara) bandhas' function is to seal the upper and lower end of the spinal column. Jalandhara bandha temporarily prevents prana from moving up, while Mula bandha blocks the downward movement of energy and pulls it back towards the navel region. Essentially, bandhas are engaged to gain control and lock your energy – prana, or life force – the way you want. The locks are engaged to attain control of your energy system, to direct this energy to the parts of your body you desire it to go.  

So why is the locking up so beneficial when the yoga and breath work is to all intents and purposes about opening? Well, the yogic locks are extremely abundant for the brain, the channels through which the breath streams and the energy centers. They purify, remove blockages, harmonize and balance the soul. These muscle locks temporarily halt the flow of blood, so when released there is an increased flow of fresh blood and oxygen to all of the vital organs and cells. This flushes away the old, dead cells and activates the organs to strengthen, renew and rejuvenate as circulation is reinforced. Engaging the bandha locks also teaches and strengthens single points of concentration, steady and controlled breath and a clear, calm, centered mind. It promotes wellbeing and regulates your internal systems from sexual, hormonal, metabolic and digestive systems. So now we understand that mindful breathing is more than just inhaling and exhaling. It is the master key, to calm, balance and harmonize your central nervous system and vital organs. Balance is our goal!

Now, let’s take a look at our first style of breath work, “Long Deep Breathing”. This method is simply done by taking a long, slow, deep belly breath in of a 5-7 second count (preferably through your nostrils), pausing when you feel your belly expand and full your entire torso and head with breath, then releasing with a 5-7 second count out through mouth. Do this for 3-5 minutes, eventually building on the length of time you choose.

Our second style of breathing, is the “Alternative Nostril Breathing”. This is one of my favorites. It is a simple as it sounds and extremely effective, promoting balance when functioning in our everyday lives. Similar to the long deep breathing technique, the goal of this particular style promotes the reconditioning of your central nervous system, integration of the body systems and deep stillness of our light body where we alternate the breath while sealing off the opposing nostril.

Let’s begin, sit up with a straight spine either on a chair or crossed legged on your yoga mat or meditation pillow, wherever you can keep your spine straight and be comfortable. Resting your middle finger and ring finger of your right hand between your eyebrows (at the bridge of your nose), allow your pinky finger to close off your left nostril then inhale deeply through the right nostril. At the end of the inhale, close the right nostril with your thumb and exhale through the left nostril by releasing the pinky finger. Then inhale through the left nostril fully and deeply, close the left nostril with your pinky finger and exhale through the right one releasing the thumb. Again, inhale through the right nostril, seal off and continue alternate nostril breathing. The breath must be complete and full on both the inhalation and exhalation cycles.

This style of breath is simple, easy yet extremely profound creating balance and harmony within. Do this for 3-5 minutes, eventually building on the length of time you choose.

By now you are getting the idea that in order to create anything at your highest vibration of your Awakened state of our God given birthright of joy, harmony, love, abundance and balance is mastering your breath, the symphony of your soul! Seriously, we live by breath and we die without it. You got this! 

Pillar 2: Mindfulness

Mindset. Focus, commit and begin again. Our mind is the “control center’ of our life, our thoughts can either create or destroy! It is where our beliefs come in. Our beliefs are the invisible thoughts that create EVERYTHING! It order to create your dreams and desires you have to have the right recording playing in your mind. Is your recoding negative or limiting? What have you been thinking? For most, our recording started back in childhood. You know, where we heard, we weren’t smart enough, good enough, didn’t come from the right family, or we were told we couldn’t be a doctor, a lawyer, or be successful etc...the good news is YOU control the recording.

My point is If you don’t love yourself in a healthy way you won’t be able to love others or anything is a healthy way. If you don’t like you, you won’t like anyone else. You owe it to yourself. You have to love you, take care of you, feel good about you. You have to have the right recording playing and mindfully let go of negative thoughts. Play the right recording in you mind all day, everyday and be willing to let go of the wrong ones. Start by saying to yourself, I am amazing, I am wonderful, I am smart, I am beautiful, I am powerful, I am loving and so on. Of course it’s going to take something, it’s going to take courage, will, faith and a new set of beliefs! You have to be willing to change your self esteem, self worth and love for self. What plays in your mind is so powerful! We tend to think if I get the “outside” fixed I will feel better BUT it’s the total opposite that is true... getting your inside environment right and in alignment first, then the outside will be effortless. I highly recommend doing this first thing in the morning. Get your inner dialogue ready for the day by saying positive mantras and start your recording.

The more you focus on the right thoughts will allow the momentum to flow and grow. In the morning go look in the mirror and say “hello beautiful”, “good morning gorgeous”, “you are so amazing, so fun, so smart”, “I am feeling really good today”, “today is going to be an amazing day” and how about “I love you”! The wrong recording will only keep you stuck, in the comfort zone, a.k.a. “the dead zone”. The only thing that happens in your comfort zone is nothing, absolutely nothing! You are meant for something bigger. You are meant to fulfill all of your dreams and desires. The only thing holding you back is YOU! You have to be beautiful on the inside before it shows up on the outside. You are projecting it, be courageous, think extraordinary on the inside it will eventually shows up on the outside. The key is consistency, you can’t just dabble in it and do it once in a while, you have to do it all of the while.

This is the Awakened you! No more putting yourself down and criticize yourself, put on a new recording to awakening. This is where the healing begins, with the right mindset! The problem is not other people or your circumstances, it’s your thinking. No one can make anyone feel or think anything…you have to give them permission to do so. Healing is earned, you have to allow yourself the space to come apart, do the work and come back together again. It’s about giving yourself permission to get quiet, get in alignment with your new thoughts and to truly listen from within. Be willing to shift your emotion without the manifestation of it and you will access your power, you will have the leverage to be, do and have anything you desire.

Now let’s get our inner being aligned and witness the magic that life has for you! *Click the video for our short guided meditation.

Pillar 3: Movement

You now have arrived to the third pillar of Awakening, where we harness the power of our breath, the clarity of our mind and bring it all into motion with a short series of yoga stretches to get us going.

The origin of yoga, means “union”, the original context of yoga was spiritual development practices to train the body and mind to self observe and become aware of their own nature. The fundamental purposes of yoga is to cultivate awareness, self-regulation and higher consciousness in the individual, the Awakened Soul. Yoga professes a complete system of physical, mental, social, and spiritual development. For generations, this philosophy was passed on from the master teacher to the student. Now, you are the master and you are the student.

I included a short video with some simple, easy movements to promote our body, mind awareness, to elevate your vibrational frequency as you participate in the ascension of your Awakened state of consciousness. Let’s begin by clicking the video.

Pillar 4: Gratitude

Our Gratitude Journaling Activity! Here’s where your journey truly begins and allows for your resonance to God and the Universe. You will need to look behind the layers of conditioning, fears, and social pressure, and uncover what is truly authentic and most unique about you. Only then can you create your life in alignment with your truth and fulfill your life’s calling in the vortex of Awakening.

 Before you begin it’s a great idea to say a prayer and or meditate. Here’s an example to help guide you: “Dear God, I surrender and release my path to you. Please replace my thoughts with yours. I am listening, I am observing, I am available to receive your guidance. Show me what I am meant for. In gratitude for all you have given me, I am here to be of service.”

Step 1 - “Let go & Brain Dump!”

Choosing the path of least resistance. Spend as much time journaling as you need getting out any fears, frustrations, anxieties, to-dos, etc. If you feel pulled to do so, follow with a quick meditation here as well. It’s truly amazing how this simple process clears and reboots your energy! 

Step 2 -

“Gratitude & Appreciation!” This is where faith and your new unlimited beliefs are a necessity to all that you are. Have fun with this process and spend as much time as needed. Write down everything you are grateful for and appreciate. Journal all that you have, all that you are, what inspires you, aligns with you, what you love, your unique gifts, accomplishments, relationships and so on.

Step 3 -

“Visualize & Focus!” Creating your reality. You have the advantage, leverage and power to utilize your new environment of clarity in your souls awakening! You are called to play much bigger in the world, and what a better time than NOW to reveal the new you! Now you are feeling, seeing, believing the bliss. Anchor into who you are and what inspires you, it’s time to get as specific, detailed and conscious about where you’re headed. Journal out anything and everything that lights you up! Remember, this is just the beginning, you will refine, reflect, pivot and adjust your vision periodically throughout your journey. So simply allow yourself to open up to the unlimited possibilities, your potential and follow the impulses. The epic life is meant for you! For example, describe your vision for your self-image, health, career, relationships, love, contributions to the world, your finances, lifestyle, dream vacations, dream house, social life and your spiritual life too of course!


You did it! Congratulations and well done! This is just the beginning of your journey into the Vortex of Awakening!

Wishing you lots of love, abundance and many blessings! Much love, Regina xo!

About Regina


Regina is a certified Transformational Empowerment Coach , Yoga Teacher and Meditation specialist bringing a holistic and unique spiritual approach to transform and awaken every client. She specializes in one’s relationship of Self Love and Connection. She currently lives in the suburbs of Philadelphia and is a Yoga Guru to many. When not on location or in studio, you can find Regina spending time with family and friends or at her favorite place on earth, the beach.